I'm struggling to decide which toon to work on... not sure where the meta is these days. I've got my old tac toon who has a fondness for Defiants. Could get him a Tier 6 Fleet Defiant... is it worth trying to put together a PvP build or is it not worth the effort? Don't mind a bit of grind but not keen on expensive builds.
Or I could bring by Rom-Sci up to spec. Don't know what ship to put him in - currently got the T5 Temp Sci, and struggling to pick out an affordable upgrade for him. Also, are Sci PartGen builds still viable? He was on a GW + Rev. Tractor Beams build which used to be fun......
So many new consoles & reps & traits & skills to figure out....
Hey Antz, the current meta is, in my opinion, tac EPG. Virtually nothing can touch them for DPS on groups AoE. My hardest hitting is the Crossfield as it can combine high EPG, exotic bonus dmg and CSV with sensor linked cannons. It's great for pulling threat too. Basically any sci build that utilizes 450+ EPG and the rest thrown into bonus to exotic dmg consoles with a Tac buffing with APA and TF, is going to be great, massive damage, not much in the way of skill required. Another area is Beam Overload builds, take a look at the changes to BO, it now lasts 10 sec, if you can boost wep dmg, negative wep cost and haste you can make something pretty special.