SRS Ranking System
Over the years SRS has built up into a massive organisation which now includes 14 fleets. Many players have officers in many different fleets so the rank had to be Armada wide or it would be pretty meaningless and almost impossible to maintain.
With over 5 years of MRP data to pull from, we have now been able to aggregate everyone's scores since 2017. Rankings are organised by total MRP score. Those who have taken part and been involved the most in the fleet activities over the last 5 years are naturally rewarded with the higher ranks that their higher scores demand.
How it works
The data is pulled automatically from the sheets and is updated in real-time. This means if you are close to levelling up to the next level you can keep a close eye on your score and remind the fleet leader to promote you once achieved.
The ranks across all fleets are as follows:
Commander - Up to 48 million MRP
Captain - Up to 96 million MRP
Senior Ranks
1 Star Admiral - up to 192 million MRP
2 Star Admiral - up to 384 million MRP
3 Star Admiral - Up to 768 million MRP
4 Star Admiral - Up to 1.5 billion MRP
5 Star Admiral - Up to 3 billion MRP
Ranks in other fleets: In non-SRS fleets there may be some strange rank names given, these will be shown as a ? on the personnel files. It is suggested that you try to change these ranks in these fleets to match SRS ranks of Commander to 5 Star Admiral.
5 Star Admiral is FADM or Fleet Admiral Equivalent. You may hold this rank but not actually be promoted to that level in the game. This will also show as a ? on your personnel files.
Rank Permissions
Effects on your rank
As you can see, like most Navies we have 12 ranks, however, STO only allows 7 ranks. The effect of this is that the lowest rank in any STO fleet is considered and named as Commander and lower. Now, many people who have not taken part in our events will have seen their somewhat arbitrary rank lowered to a more meaningful rank that matches their overall progress. Many people across all fleets who have taken part will have seen their rank increased.
Bank Permissions
These have been equalised overall fleets as follows
Commander and lower - 1 item
Captain - 2 items
RA1* - 3 items
RA2* - 4 items
VA - 5 items
Adm - 6 items
There are some very specific fleet bank repositories that are limited differently or have complete restrictions.
Boost your Rank
Now you have another reason to take part in MRP. Note that some of the highest ranks are not necessarily the highest DPS players, they are just those who take part more. In addition, you can get involved with the exploration system and boost your total MRP score daily.
Your Displayed Rank
Everyone in every SRS fleet has an armada rank. This rank should now be worn on your uniform. For example, if you are a Captain in the SRS Armada then you should reflect that on your uniform. The rank of Fleet Admiral given to you by the game is a nonsensical rank when considered as a fleet of officers. If you are an individual then STO is all about you and it may well be the case that you are a Fleet Admiral. Within the actual SRS Fleets though, like many other fleets, you should wear your rank insignia which matches your actual real armada rank, which is earned through hard work and determination. Chiefs of Staff have the Armada rank of Admiral. Commander in Chief has the rank of Fleet Admiral. There are limitations in the game with regard to rankings, we have to work around that structure as best we can. Officers seen with the wrong rank on their uniform will be questioned by Section 47, be warned.