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The Sakari & SB234 System DPS League Challenge



The Sakari system is situated in the Delta Quadrant. It pits the Captain against two waves of APU ships at a time with up to four waves in total. This is a particularly good system for testing your DPS as there are very few variables. EPG ships do very well here but any ship can be tested.


By following the guide below you will be able to build up a record of your achievements against the Sakari System opponents and chart your progress over time. You will also be able to compare your results with your fellow Captains.

Starbase 234 SYSTEM

The Starbase 234 system is in the Beta Quadrant near to New Romulus. This system is the closest we have to a target dummy in the game. Run this on ADVANCED or ELITE difficulty.



Go to the Sakari System in the Delta Quadrant. Make sure your difficulty is set to elite and your combat parser is running. This system only supports the SCM combat log parser.

Begin the patrol and follow the dialogue until you get both APU ships in front of you. Choose a dialogue option which will ensure neither side receive the power cores, e.g. we will keep these cores for ourselves or we will destroy the cores.

This will ensure both sides in the APU war will oppose you.

Starbase 234 SYSTEM

Go to the SB234 system, you can get there quickly by transwarping to the Beta Quadrant, subsection Azure Sector.

When you enter the system do NOT start the tactical exercise immediately, instead, go to the back of the Starbase at a distance of 2km. Buff up and then when ready hit start. The INSTANT the starbase is dead, STOP your combatlog, I have "/combatlog 0" ready in the chat bar for this. Next, log your missions as explained below.


Once you have finished the mission, analyse your log and then save it to a suitable location, however, change the log extension to .txt as shown here, and also include your account name so it's easier to see who it's from.

Save combat.JPG
matts sakari.JPG

Next you need to upload that txt file log to the website. Go to the SRS Exploration System and click on the SRS Exploration System Database button (click the image to take you there now in a different page)


Scroll down the list until you see the SAKARI DPS RUNS folder and click to enter. There is also a folder for the Starbase 234 system, please put the log in the correct folder.

sakari DPS runs.JPG

Now, click the add file button (click the image to take you directly to this page)

add file.JPG

Browse the txt log you saved earlier and upload. The final thing to do is to let us know you have uploaded a log, we will not check automatically. Use the Submit Upload  button to tell us.



Assigning your account to different build types

By adding a suffix to your account handle you can list your different build types in this system. For example, if you are running an EPG build and a Beam Overload build the results will be very different, so by adding the suffix you can track your progress on a specific build. E.G. Lets say your account name is @bob. With no suffix all your builds will be placed under the @bob account. Now let's say you have two builds you want to track the progress on, an EPG build and a Beam Overload build. All you have to do is write in the comment box what suffix you would like, for example @bob-EPG and @bob-BO-build. As long as you use the same suffix each time you can chart the progress of your builds and compare to similar builds. You can also add the ship type, e.g. @Bob-EPG-Crossfield, just make sure it's the same each time.

Sakari upload.JPG
sakari submission.png

We will receive by email your submission and as soon as time allows we will upload your data to the Sakari DPS League website. You will then be able to chart your progress on the graph above (click the button at the top of the page "Check my Sakari Records" to view).

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