New to STO - like any idea it may not be workable but thought would put up here in case any interest as it is something which could be part of MRP or an event.
Task forces for temporal actions are not always composed of powerful battleships representing the best a fleet can muster.
Where the chroniton load required to displace more powerful vessels [heavy hulls and high levels of anti-matter] would create temporal eddies enabling detection of the required time-shift and the sending of operatives to interfere on this detection, Chrononauts send lesser vessels to achieve the objective - the lesser load required enabling the task force to act with 'temporal discretion'.
These sensitive missions are extremely dangerous as the vessels are not the best of the best - though usually refitted as well as possible. They are also often 'era appropriate' as the cost of displacing high viability holographic projectors has its own cost in 'temporal noise' but this is not always the case.
In game:
Group undertake a mission but with a Tier limit to ship noted in the MRP info [additional code] and code word to join has the Tier limit at its end - ie. Drone3 - Tier 3 max. These can be equipped as best they can be.
This may be more suited to an event than MPR as ships may need to be set up, though perhaps you maintain a 'cruising ship' or such which is lower tier for visuals etc.
It would also go well with the recent temporal anomalies resetting Chrononaut bases to 23rd Century levels - some time missions are needed to investigate... ;-)
Anyhow as new to fleet and STO it may be something done before and little interest, no bother either way just thought a nice way to use ships which are redundant for fun and challenge for those who have builds which can easily handle most content.
Good stuff will work on my lower tier stuff - and thanks for the excellent Fleet ;-)