This is my new build am working on. Strylan is a completely new character. Am looking for further advice on my build. Am willing to try anything and money is not a issue to make this top build.
Strylan Yor
Temporal Multi-Mission Science Vessel
Ship Name: Valhalla
Reman (Romulan Klingon)
Temporal: Primary
Secondary: Stragity
Weapons (WiP)
Forward Arc:
(Done) Dark Matter Torpedo
(Done) Particle Emission Launcher Plasma Torpedo
Neutronic Torpedo Launcher Or Kentri Missile Launcher
Rear Arc: (WiP)
Terran Task Force Beam Array
Advanced Thoron Infused Beam Array
Terran Task Force Photon Torpedo
Captain: Reman (Done)
1. Reman SP-SCI-OPEN - Hazard Emitters I, Energy Siphon I, Charged Particle Burst
2. Jem'hadar UF-TAC-Temperal - Torpedio Spread I, Rapid Decay I
3. Jem'hadar UF-SCI-Temperal - Channeled Deconstruction I, Chronometric Inversion Field I, Entropic Cascade II, Timeline Collapse III
4. Jem'hadar UF-ENG-Open - Engineer Team I, Endothermic Inhibitor Beam II, Aceton Beam I
5. Romulan SP-SCI-Open - Tractor Beam I
Personal Space Traits (WiP)
(Done) Fragment of AI Teach
Fleet Coordinator
Bulkhead Technician
Shield Technician
Techie Shield Frequency Analyst
Projectile Training
Space Traits (WiP)
Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense
Particle Generator Amplifier
Starship Traits (Done)
Improved Weaponized Emitters
Exotic Modulation
Partical Feedback Loop
Electrified Anomalies
Spore Infused Anomalist - Science Bridge Officer Ability
By the Book
EPS - 203 - 400
ControlX 204 - 400
DrainX 156 - 1000+
1 Unversal: Fek'ihri Torment Engine
3 Engineering: Tholian Webspinner Array, Polaron Particle Inverter, Open the Maw of Grethor
5 Science: Causal Anchor, Exotic Focuser (CtrlX)(EPG) x 4
3 Tactical:Temporal Vortex Probe, Gensis Seed, Counter-Command Multi-Conduit Energy Relay
Core Items (WiP)(Reengineer in progress)
Deflector Dish: Elite Fleet Fermion Deflector Array MKXV (Ctrx)x2(EPG)(SciCD)(SH/HullCap)
Secondary Deflector: Deteriorating Secondary Deflector MK XV (-Recharge)(CtrlX)(EPG)(HullCap)(ShCap/EPG)
(Planned) Warp Cores: Temporal
(Planned) Engine: Temporal
(Planned) Shield: Tilly
Devices: Temporal Negotiator, Nimbus Pirate Distress Call, Kobayashi Maru Transponder,
I will do so Matt. Thank you. Am used to playing pure Tactical so this is all new to me. Am finding that EPG/Temporal abilities are slowly becoming my new playstyle.
It's hard to see exactly what you are looking to build here but I think it is an EPG build (Exotic Particle Generator). There are some things that are right for this build and many that are wrong, in that you would be better served using other items, abilities or traits. Rather than go through the whole list of items and whey they are not suitable for an EPG build, why don't you go to our builds section on the website and look up EPG builds, you can then study these and see that almost all of them will have many commonalities in traits, consoles, skills, passive etc. Then adapt your ship to suit.