To celebrate the phenomenal success of season 3 of Picard and the airing of the final episode, this week our theme for MRP events is Picard.
Main Bonus - Fly one of the following Picard Ships
Galaxy Class - Any variant including the Dreadnought and Juggernaut
Stargazer Glass
Sovereign Class
La Sirena
Miradorn Theta-class Heavy Raider
Secondary Bonus
Flying a duplicate of the Enterprise D will gain you a small bonus
Tertiary Bonus
DPS & Max Hit Special Uniform Bonus
Wearing the TNG Uniform (any variant) on ground missions will gain you an additional 200K MRP in addition to the uniform bonus
Fleet of the Week remains SRS Command for this special week. SRS Endeavours
Complete 10 MRP events for a rank point SPECIAL PVP CHALLENGE Geordie has also been hard at work preparing a copy of the Enterprise D, it looks the same but has modern technology and weaponry (it's actually a World Razor), this is the USS Leah Brahms 1702 D named after his wife. At any point during the week, you can type "I challenge the Leah Brahms". If available you will be invited to a private PvP Queue and the winner will be the first one to five kills. If you win you will receive a master key, two SRS Endeavour Points and 250 Merits*. Don't worry, this is a simulated battle and your ship will not be damaged (neither will your pixels!). I will be flying the Leah Brahms and I am not a good PvP player so you stand every chance to win if you can beat the ship's Alpha attack. Note each player can only challenge once per day as I have a limited number of keys available!
* You must have a character in an SRS fleet to qualify for the rewards Episode 10 of Picard Spoiler Warning Please remember that only the USA receives the last episode on Thursday, the rest of the world gets it 24 hours later, so please do not post any spoilers anywhere within SRS from Discord to Facebook, Twitter or in-game, all such spoilers will be immediately removed. Thanks for being thoughtful. Congratulations to Star Trek Online
Viewing the Odyssey Class USS Enterprise F leaving Spacedock was a wonderful experience to see. I also noticed a Gagarin Class in the armada and I'll be going back to see how many more STO ships were present. If you haven't yet seen Picard or this episode I will leave you with this image which is already all over the internet, and yes this is from the TV show, not the game but it could be either, this is how good the space graphics are in STO nowadays.
