From now until Saturday 4th January at 18:00 UTC you can earn double MRP and will go towards your overall score for 2020. This was supposed to have been introduced on Saturday last but due to website server issues it had to be delayed. All is now fixed so get out there and do some exploring. You can earn 20,000 MRP per screenshot and 800 MRP per word for log entries and mission reports etc. The daily limit has been doubled also to 1 million MRP per day max. Recap:
20,000 MRP per screenshot up to 200,000 MRPmax per exploration entry
800 MRP per word up to 200,000 MRP max (250 words) per exploration entry NEWS
Wolf 359 Event - Last Day
Today is the last day of the Wolf 359 event. We will be meeting on the SRS Command Colony Base by the sun lounger area at 8pm UTC. We will be including HSE and HGE!
We will require an additional team leader for this event.
Lottery We have rolled over the lottery this week as not many tickets were sold. Please do take part in the lottery, SRS running costs are huge and it really does help to spread the burden as well as giving yourself the chance to win a lot of EC for minimal risk.