The lockdown has found me, like many of you, with more time on my hands than usual. I have spent some time today coding an update to the Space DPS League graphs. We have records of logged events going back over a year now and I thought we could do something fun and useful for all members by analysing the data over time and displaying it on the pop-up graph for the Space DPS League. A similar though less comprehensive change has been added to the ground DPS league charts too.
The data is pretty simple to understand but I will list them here just for clarity.
Max ever one hit: This is the highest single hit your captain has recorded over all toons on that account over all your recorded events. So you can see on the chart above that out of 373 events my biggest single hit is 2.289 million damage
Average Max Hit: Simply the typical max hit I can expect to see in my logged events
Total Logged Events: This is the total number of events I have logged. Don't mix this up with the total number of MRP missions, this is only those that are logged such as patrols, ISE, HSE etc.
AVG Threat %: This is the amount of threat I typically generate in logged events. I.E. how much interest I am to the NPCs in the map and therefore how much damage I can expect to receive. A higher value will give a higher MRP score but may lead to more deaths.
Average healing out: How much healing I am doing for myself and anyone else in the map.
Max ever DPS: My largest ever DPS score on logged events
Chance of dying %: Based on how many deaths I have experienced since records began the system can calculate my chance of dying in the next event, I can tell you that feels about right!
Average Crit%: This is the average number of critical hits you apply to the targets, higher is better.
Safety Advice: This is a tongue in cheek assessment based on your chances of dying. If you have a high chance you may be rewarded with some sarcastic comments.
I hope you find the above changes useful and fun
Matt Johnson