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Well, that was interesting

Writer's picture: Matt JohnsonMatt Johnson

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

So as many of you know, I made an internal joke last night to prank the guys on Discord and Facebook. However, someone, who shall remain nameless (but I know who you are) decided to send a screenshot to Kael (the STO community manager) and of course, then all the Twitter users saw it because he did it publically. That's when the snow tubers hit the fan. Kael got in touch with me and asked if I would tweet that this was a joke and not real as it was causing Cryptic some headaches. I obliged and updated the image to include that it's a fake, the original is below.

What surprised me was that so many people thought it was real due to the typos and bad cut and paste which is somewhat ironic, had I made it perfect they wouldn't have thought it was genuine! So apologies if anyone saw this and thought it was real, my advice for the future is read carefully, do a bit of research and apply some critical thinking before running off to the powers that be.

On the plus side, many said it was the busiest STO has been in months and even got Kael back on to Reddit as well as several other devs, my guess is they were more motivated after this leaked to fix the game quicker than before. Here is the original, saved for posterity.

Star Trek Online is still down after 36 hours One thing the post above did get right was around 84% of players cannot log in to the game. There was a 2Gb patch this morning but it still gives the same error as shown here:

There is nothing you can do at your end, this is an internal error and Cryptic are trying hard to fix it, we just have to be patient.

The events that were running are being extended to allow for this downtime.

To my knowledge, this is the longest the game has been inaccessible in its history, so it's a pretty serious bug they have here.

SRS Events

This week it's cruiser week

Fleet of the week is SRS Command

SRS Endeavour will continue from last week seeing as how it was interrupted by the downtime with the following changes.

Achieve 15 MRP events for one endeavour rank

Achieve 25 MRP events for a master key

Achieve 35 MRP events for 5 master keys and another endeavour point.

Secondary bonus to Engineers

Tertiary Bonus to Beam Overload builds ENDS

1 Yorum

Rebecca Hegerlund
Rebecca Hegerlund
07 Nis 2023

Hah - opportunity for new meme! ;-)

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