DAY 2 Sun 4th September
Time: 19:00 UTC
Location & Mission: The Delta Quadrant – Brothra System Patrol
Meeting Point: Jenolan Dyson Sphere engineering department
Meet Logan in the Brothra System where his ship, as well as several Cooperative and Octanti vessels commanded by Xar, have been attacked by the Vaadwaur. Repair his ship, help the other ships become operational and fend off further Vaadwaur attacks.
Time: 19:30 UTC
Location & Mission: The Delta Quadrant – Alsuran Sector
Meeting Point: Jenolan Dyson Sphere engineering department
The Cooperative assists in defence of an Ocampan convoy led by Kela against alien scavengers. they need to harvest some nearby ionic clouds for energy, but the theta radiation would damage their ships' shields. Kela has asked us to extract the required elements on the convoy's behalf. In the process of doing so, we must be on the lookout for alien raiders.
Time: 20:00 UTC
Location & Mission: The Delta Quadrant – Crew Photo and free time
Meeting Point: Jenolan Dyson Sphere engineering department
Meet in the engineering section of the Jenolan Dyson Sphere again for a group photograph of the Cooperative team running these missions. Afterwards, there is a short amount of free time to prepare yourself for the next mission.
Time: 20:30 UTC
Location & Mission: The Delta Quadrant – Farn System Patrol Elite (Preying on the weak)
Meeting Point: Jenolan Dyson Sphere engineering department
We have picked up a distress signal: "James Hunt: Repeat.
This is James Hunt of the Borg Cooperative. Our vessel is
in need of immediate assistance". The signal is terminating from the Farn System. Beam up to the ship and set course immediately to assist Hunt.
Time: 21:00 UTC
Location & Mission: The Delta Quadrant – Zahl System
Meeting Point: Jenolan Dyson Sphere engineering department
“Zahl System Patrol”: Help evacuate survivors from the Cooperative colony after a Vaadwaur invasion.
Time: 21:30 UTC
Location & Mission: The Delta Quadrant – Prize Giving
Meeting Point: Jenolan Dyson Sphere engineering department
Report back to our meeting place to receive your daily prize package. The raffle for the larger Borg Pack will take place now.
Missions continue at the same time tomorrow.