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Remastered exclusively for this event for SRS by, why not start your Borg week by watching this in-depth documentary created originally by Using GigaPixel AI, this terribly poor 260p video has been upscaled to beyond HD in a painstaking process involving 20 hours of rendering. Enjoy. The video is narrated by Vaughn Armstrong, who has also played more characters in Star Trek than any other actor. Click this link to see an interview with Vaughn Armstrong

Vaughn Armstrong.jpg

Saturday 3rd September to Friday 9th September 2022

Liberation is our week-long event for SRS in Star Trek Online. In this event, you will either play as a Cooperative Borg or a Federation officer assisting the Borg Cooperative in their fight against the Borg Collective, freeing as many Borg as possible and helping to deliver a crushing blow to the Borg throughout the quadrants. 

How to take part

Simply queue for the events in the normal manner when you see them listed. Each day will have a schedule of events at an approximate start time should you wish to plan your game time.

Who can take part?

Anyone can take part but you will receive bonus MRP for being a Borg character (Lifetime Borg or character made to look like a Borg using the Borg Exoskeleton suit from the Lobi store). KDF may also join in on any of the TFOs which allow cross-faction teaming. Your Borg Officer must be level 65 to take part otherwise it will change all the difficulties and you won't be able to go on some TFOs.


Each event you take part in will grant you a raffle ticket and at the end of the event there will be a draw to win a Borg Juggernaut Starship. The more tickets you have the greater chance you stand of winning the ship.

In addition to the main prize of the Borg Juggernaut ship, there are daily 

prizes too. Each day someone will win via a raffle, a Borg Gear Pack

worth 30 million EC comprising the following items:


[Genetic Resequencer - Starship Trait: Regeneration Cycle]

[Genetic Resequencer - Ground Trait: Adaptive Offense or Defense]

[Console - Universal - Cutting Tractor Beam]

[Universal Kit Module - Collective Will Mk XII]


Finally, everyone who takes part will receive the following each day.

[Borg Datacore]

[Special Equipment Pack - Borg Combat Structure Kits]

You will also gain the "Liberated"

badge to add to your website profile


Now running again - Play Liberation, the Web Game, and

win 100 MILLION EC!

For the duration of this event only we are opening up the Liberation

game again, this time to win 100 million EC. The rules are the same

as before but go to the game page to check it out and have a go.

A warning, make sure you explore everything, it's not as straightforward

as you may think and brush up on your Borg knowledge before playing,
70% of people who played last time failed on the Borg Quiz! NOTE: The 

Codes may well have changed from the last time you played!!!


The missions will take place across the quadrants with a large proportion being in the Delta Quadrant, the home of the Borg Cooperative. For these missions, we are meeting at the Engineering section of the Jenolan Dyson Sphere as shown here on this map. Your commanding officer for the missions is Fleet Admiral of SRS xBs Three of Twenty One, better known simply as Three or Sir. He is pictured here at the Jenolan sphere.

MRP Bonuses

All missions are subject to a bonus of 100,000 MRP if you wear the special Borg

uniform as shown or if you are a Liberated Borg displaying Borg attachments on

your head. All other uniform bonuses are rescinded for this week.

A large bonus MRP is awarded to anyone in a Borg Juggernaut ship or a Borgified

ship. If you don't have the Juggernaut you can still gain the bonus by ensuring your

ship is as borgified as possible, this includes shield visuals, engine visuals, and the

deflector array visuals.

For this week you will also receive bonuses for Threat and Healing.

liberated badge.JPG
Jenolan engineering section.JPG
Liberation game
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