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DAY 2 Sunday May 21

Story Arc: Allies

The Romulan Flotilla
Observation Deck 1
20:00 BST - The Price of Neutrality

Neutrality is impossible, even for those who live on the line between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

The Romulan Flotilla

Observation Deck 1

20:30 BST - Memory Lane

The search for truth leads you back to your former home.

The Romulan Flotilla

Observation Deck 1

21:00 BST - Smash and Grab

Charva's intel leads you to a prison transport. Will Tovan's quest finally come to an end?

The Romulan Flotilla

Observation Deck 1

21:30 BST - Trade Craft

You've been tricked for the last time. Now it's time to get the upper hand.


The Romulan Flotilla

Story Arc: In Shadows

Observation Deck 1

22:00 BST - Enemy Action

Expose and thwart an attack on a Tal Shiar base to prove your loyalty.


The Romulan Flotilla

Observation Deck 1

22:20 BST - Sleepers

The Tal Shiar are raiding a deactivated Borg ship when they find that not everything is what they expect.


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