Last night SRS held a fleet meeting to discuss various issues that had arisen. Here are the key points and below the resulting MRP Patch notes.
It was felt that the weighting for EPG builds and EPG Carriers was restricting the scores in parseable TFOs. In addition, the gap between EPG and energy build has been significantly closed in parseable TFOs although not as much in Patrols. OUTCOME: The weighting for Carriers and EPG ships have been reduced accordingly, EPG ships now earn 80% of their DPS (up from 60%) and EPG Carriers are at 90% of their DPS (up from 70%). In addition, the weighting will only apply to Patrol type missions, EPG ships and EPG carriers will not be weighted on missions such as ISE and HSE. This is determined automatically by the spreadsheet although it is flagged for the CFOPS officer to see.
The NPE scores are too low because the average MRP had been capped at 400,000. OUTCOME: The cap has been raised to 800,000 NOTE a cap is necessary to stop runaway positive feedback loop exponential growth in the scores.
It is noted that certain patrols are being used again and again to pad DPS league scores. From now on all patrols will go on a 24hr cooldown for the purposes of logging the DPS. Players can repeat the patrol but they will not be logged to the DPS league the second time although their MRP score is still accrued. See below on more details for CFOPS.
The Tau Dewa Patrol is too long and complex for CFOPS. It was agreed to split this event into Individual patrols, these will be available from today. No other business of note was discussed.
Weighting This is now automatically applied to patrols and not applied on parseable TFOS. You will see an indicator to tell you if the weighting is applied or not, it looks like this:
2. When a player takes part in a patrol they will be added to the 24hr cooldown list for that patrol. This is done by clicking the "Add players to cooldown" button.
If the player wants to run that patrol again on a different toon they can and their name will still be lit up in white colouring.
If a player is being logged and their name is in red colouring, then they must have done a patrol with that character. To see which patrol check the cooldown list, from this you can decide whether to log their DPS or expunge them. Note, this in no way affects their MRP score.
To see the new cooldown list click the new button as shown here:
At this point in time, I have not been able to completely automate this but hope to in the future, for now, this system will have to do.
So, TLDR If their name is in red, check the cooldown list, if they did that patrol with that character before as noted on the list, then they cannot have their DPS logged.
NPE - Cap raised to 800K Carrier weighting changed to 90% DPS
EPG weighting changed to 80% DPS
CD Cooldown timers automatically reset between 7pm and 8pm each evening, do not attempt to manually reset them.