The ground DPS league has been incorporated into the main DPS League system. To view the ground DPS league just select the system as Ground. This will change all the data you see to data for your character and others for ground only and will disable the build type leagues. The main difference for ground is that there are no specific maps and no specific builds. Loggable maps such as NTTE and BHE are logged and the data will show up here. You also get points that are added to the Overall DPS League Ranks.
This is not quite finished yet, there are a few things I'd like to improve such as the chart scaling, but this doesn't seem to be a feature that's available in Google Sheets at the moment. If you spot any errors or bugs, please let me know.
You can expect a lot more ground events to be run from now on. To go back to the space DPS League, simply choose a space system, such as ISE.